Or even flashy lines like "A picture speaks a thousand words" come to mind.
But, ask yourself, what does that even mean???
However, even with the best equipment available that will ever be invented, one cannot fully capture a moment. To put it simply, how do you describe an experience? You cannot, it is a bittersweet thing, for it is yours to keep but you cannot fully share it with another. You can only show a part of it, through art, dance, music, and other forms of sensory communication.
In the same way, Christianity is like photography. God is to be experienced, not simplified or put in a box. A simple analogy would be how do you put the same scent of mountain fresh air into a picture? I do not need to go into the rest of the senses, plus any thoughts and emotions that was invoked during the phototaking. Following that train of thought, we calling ourselves Christians are the photographers of this experience. We go experience God, and then bring back beautiful photos so that people might glimpse and see a small part of what God is doing.
And then, maybe they will take some photos of their own.