Honestly, I realised I was avoiding writing this post, but no good reason not to. So yeah sat my butt down and started putting it down at 12am like a BOSS... Who am I kidding, if I'm the boss I would get my assistant to write this, So, putting it down at 12am like a normal dude. Word.
Where do I start? Lets break the long-time-no-post-ice. Cue fat polar bear. *badadish* Anyhoo, Updates. I turned 21, 3 weeks ago in the company of friends and family. It is certainly will be one of the memorable ones, for those spared the facebook pics, I assure you, contrary to my grinning face, the makeup was the horriblest feeling ever. But having friends around you that love you, is one of the best feelings ever, so I guess that Makes Up for it. (You see what I did there?). Also, the steak was very nice, thank you everyone! :) Apart from that, I started internship the day after my birthday, and its great, I am really blessed to be where I am in a decent internship just 5 minutes away from my house, thank You!
So after all that hoo-haa, its suddenly December and I'm sitting here thinking about 2012. Thats alright, everyone will look back at their year, and look forward to the next one with resolutions, goals and expectations. But then I realised that it means I am sitting here thinking of my future but limiting it to next year only!I can think further ahead, plan my steps with more certainty! 2012 is the next step, but there are many more after that, equally as important. But that is another story.
More importantly, was what followed that train of thought. In your steps ahead, how do you accomplish your goals, your dreams, your needs, your wants? Setting a target, vital. Have a game plan, of course! For Christians, submitting it to Him, done thing. Praying, in the process already! But ultimately I realised that in everything we want to do, if we want to see a change, if we want to see things happening the most important step is actually to begin here *taps heart*. People search for change everywhere and always want to do things. Dont get me wrong, I also agree that things have to get done. But what I mean is that for REAL change to happen, it always has to come from the inside out, and not outside in. Let me give you an example from Christian faith. What is it that Jesus did, the miracles, the healings, will that save us? Does being cured, or saying a simple prayer grant us eternal life? No, it is deeper than that, because behind the miracles, the cures, the prayer, we believe that by grace He has died for us, and now lives in us, and promises to change our hearts to be like His. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 "Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." This tells us that 1)Grace, not our works saves us, and 2)Change, to God, starts from the heart.
Thus for now I am trying to understand that change comes from within and flows out to affect things around you instead of thinking that by changing the things around us, we can achieve the change we want. Its getting late, and I should sleep. But, I hope that the next step, begins with the heart.
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