Wednesday, 15 February 2012

V For Velociraptor

Today I drove back from work in a freak storm, and even though work is 5 minutes away, life is scary sometimes.

As I exited into the main road, in front of my blurred windshield the trees were all involved in some serious zumba moves as the rain raced as one horizontal curtain.

When suddenly, I noticed this big brown thing dropping off from the tree in front of me. Slammed on the brakes and thank God, it crashed on the road in front of my car. All I could think of was this, that had it been any other tree but a palm tree it would have meant serious trouble for me.

Although my life did not flash before my eyes, I guess it has made me wonder about Valentine's Day, I wonder if sometimes the message behind this day is garbled, for love should not have to survive on a beggarly meal of occasions and special days and playing it up only on these days (although we need reminders sometimes). Rather, love should be something that is worked on everyday, like a tree or a garden, it requires effort, time, and patience in order to bear fruit.

So here's to living Valentines day, everyday, to the special people around us, because sometimes we dont get to wait till that next official Valentines.

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