Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Last Bersih

I pray and fervently hope there will not be a Bersih 4.0.

For months people have prepared to come and protest in peace, and all it took was not even a day but a few hours for violence to break out like bush-fire across the news vine. What are we showing the world?

Crude actions by both parties, whether falsely reported or not, has gained the attention it needed, the Enemy's work has been done.

For those who suffered, by no means this is aimed to diminish what has happened to you. Good things has also happened today, that is of no doubt. Many a touching picture and video has spread across the web and shed light upon the situation. People all around the globe, are aware at the very least, that Malaysia isn't a country where it's inhabitants live in trees. Bersih 3.0 has certainly hit its mark.

But where there is good, evil will rise up to challenge it, and I fear that the seed of chaos has tarnished the once pure yellow army. Viral videos are popping up, and sowing discontent and leading to anger and a brick wall of intolerance and hatred.

In remembrance of what we are fighting for, a clean, safe and fair future for generations to come. I hope that whatever happened today, let love reign in the people's hearts, let enemies be forgiven, let us not puff up with pride, let us turn the other cheek and press on towards the bigger picture.

What happens after Bersih counts, not the rally itself.

I conclude with this, who are we to ask those whom we claim to be oppressors to step down, when we respond in kind when facing violence, hatred, discrimination and intolerance.

Are we not calling ourselves the better man?

For Negaraku, Tanah Air untuk semua.

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